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Friday, March 15, 2024

The Grave of Legends - Young Justice: Phantoms

Noted as a holy site in the Atlantean city-state of Xebel, The Grave of Legends held significant historical value, due to its deep connection to Ancient Atlantis through the partially submerged ruins of the once-great sunken capital. 

On the orders of King Ryus Nereus, Nereus' Watch kept the place under vigilant supervision, with guards regularly patrolling the area for trespassers and thieves. 

Unbeknownst to many, it was situated on top of a vast pocket ocean, where the remains of Old Atlantis, thought lost to time, waves, and sediment are said to lie. 

On June 2nd, 2020, Aquaman, Wyynde, La'gaan, and Delphis breached the thinnest layer of the seabed they could find, gaining access to the Undersea below as they searched for the lost Crown of Arion I, Lord of Atlantis. 

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