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Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Monsieur Mallah - Doom Patrol

A highly intelligent gorilla who was brought onto the Brotherhood of Evil by Ultimax, aka The Brain, at the height of their criminal endeavours, Monsieur Mallah replaced Eric Morden, aka Mr Nobody, leading to Morden's split from the group and crusade against Niles Caulder and his Doom Patrol.

Devoted to The Brain, he was his top lieutenant and confidant, with a number of duties that helped keep the Brotherhood running smoothly. 

Following the Brotherhood’s defeat and subsequent collapse in 1957, both Mallah and Ultimax fled to Boca Raton, Florida, going into hiding together, before eventual retirement. While his boss dreamed of returning to villainy, he had no interest in going back, actively discouraging others from interrupting their peaceful retirement. This put him in conflict with a time-displaced Madame Rouge, aka Laura De Mille, who had sought them out in 2021 to complete her original mission and eliminate the Doom Patrol. 

Seeing that Ultimax would never change, continuing self-destructive behaviour that would only lead them to ruin, Mallah made the difficult choice to leave the Brain for good and, for the first time in years, put his own needs first.

The Sisterhood of Dada - Doom Patrol

Founded in 1917 as a way to survive the horrors of the Bureau of Normalcy, The Sisterhood of Dada was a group of like-minded meta-humans who wished to bring joy and social change to the world through art and self-expression, holding the philosophies of the Dada movement close to their heart.

While, more often than not, treated like a global threat that needed to be destroyed, this found family of abused and mistreated outcasts was gravely misunderstood, seeking to create a more honest and genuine world than the one they grew up in. 

To do this, the Sisterhood devised their endgame, the Eternal Flagellation, a high-concept introspective phenomenon that would challenge societal norms, expose hidden truths and force people to come face to face with their innermost demons to help them heal and find the peace, love & support they deserve.

Unlike other villains that the Doom Patrol went up against, they did not want to cause harm or destruction; they were a non-violent group, only using violence as a means of self-defence, since the group's members were pacifists. 

The Sisterhood was merely well-intentioned extremists emphasising their desire to hold the world accountable for its actions and strip away false pretensions and identities to reveal the truth that people hide within. 


  1. Shelley Byron/The Fog (leader)
  2. Lloyd Jefferson/Frenzy
  3. Holly McKenzie/Sleepwalk
  4. Sachiko/The Quiz

Former Members

  • Laura De Mille/Madame Rouge (betrayed)
  • Malcolm DuPont/Agent ! (deceased)
  • Rita Farr/Bendy (left group; deceased)

Youssef - Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

A determined and loyal pupil studying at the Uva Academy, Youssef has a strong sense of justice ingrained in him and always stands up for what is right. 

Subjected to severe bullying, he and his peers were defended by Team Star, who vowed not to let anyone else suffer the same way they had. Looking up to them as heroes, Youssef has a great deal of respect and awe for the team, in particular "Don" Atticus, whom he considers his dear compadre for life. 

Believing in repaying the kindness shown to him, he is willing to go to great lengths to help those he cares about, even when faced with danger. He remains steadfast in his commitment to his friends and is not afraid to speak up for what he believes in.

The Navi Squad - Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

A notorious group of Team Star members who specialize in using Poison-type Pokémon, The Navi Squad is based in Paldea's Tagtree Thicket, where they patiently wait for the return of the group's "big boss", Cassiopeia. 

Keeping their headquarters heavily guarded to keep outsiders from getting in, members of the squad are fiercely loyal to their boss, Atticus, one of Team Star's original founders and the designer of the Team's outfits. He is an eccentric and enigmatic leader, highly respected by his subordinates for his cleverness and creativity. 

Overall, the Navi Squad is a force to be reckoned with, and those who cross them should be prepared for a tough fight, comprised of skilled trainers who have a deep understanding of Poison-type Pokémon and their abilities. They are not to be taken lightly, as they are willing to go to great lengths to protect their base and their boss. Despite their intimidating reputation, the Navi Squad members are not all bad, as they have been known to help those in need, especially when it comes to fighting bullies. 


  • Atticus (Leader)
  • Grunt #1