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Friday, March 15, 2024

Anthea - Pokémon Evolutions

Inducted into the ranks of Team Plasma from an early age, Anthea was tasked with caring for the young N, acting as the boy’s confidant and council as he was groomed to become the new King of the organisation. 

Despite her devotion to Team Plasma and their monarch’s edict to create a world that was truly equal for both Pokemon and people, both she and fellow advisor Concordia began to doubt Ghetsis and his motives. Concluding that the leader of The Seven Sages was manipulating them all, she quietly took N aside, suggesting he should follow his heart, rather than continue to be a puppet for the organisation’s true mastermind. 

Concordia - Pokémon Evolutions

An unwitting pawn in Ghetsis's plan to conquer Unova and the world, Concordia was an attendee to Team Plasma’s puppet king, N, helping shape the young boy into the perfect tool. 

Recognising N’s innocence and naivety about the relationship between humans and Pokémon was being exploited for ulterior motives, she remarked that his irreproachable attitude made him equally pure and terrifying. However, before she could push the matter further, Ghetsis came to collect N, announcing that it was time to enact the final stage of their plan. 

Anthea - Pokémon Black & White

Caring and compassionate about the plight of Pokémon, Anthea (known as the Goddess of Love) was easily coerced by Ghetsis into joining Team Plasma, acting as a loyal companion and friend to N. Though she understood that most trainers were good and only battled to bond with their Pokémon, she still saw the need for the group’s more radical operations; to forcefully liberate Pokémon from selfish and cruel trainers. 

Beginning to question Ghetsis’s aspirations for Unova as a utopia for both people and Pokémon, she began to see N’s conflicting emotions and the painful experiences he endured growing up. 

Meeting Hilbert/Hilda in N’s Castle, she offered to heal the young trainer’s Pokémon, allowing them to be fully rested for the upcoming encounter with Team Plasma’s King. 

Concordia - Pokémon Black & White

Acting as N’s friend, confidant and guardian, Concordia (referred to as Goddess of Peace) was a devoted member of Team Plasma. Despite this loyalty to the group, she could not help but notice that Ghetsis’ was deliberately manipulating her charge by only introducing him to those Pokémon abandoned, betrayed and hurt by humans, poisoning his mind against trainers. 

Worried about N’s unquestioning devotion to Ghetsis and his plan to awaken the legendary Pokémon of Unova, in the pursuit for truth and ideals, she began to fear for his well being. 

Concordia expressed these concerns to Hilda/Hilbert during their meeting in N’s Castle, musing that his childlike purity and innocence was both touching and terrifying. 

Anthea - Pokémon Black 2 & White 2

Orphaned from a young age, Anthea was adopted by Ghetsis and welcomed into the ranks of Team Plasma. The foster brother of N, she was tasked by her foster father to help raise and care for the young boy, unaware that she was, in fact, helping a megalomaniac create a guileless puppet. While she cared deeply for N, she could not help but agree that he was vastly different from other children his age, occasionally referring to him as “the Child of Pokémon.”

After Ghetsis’s plans were seemingly thwarted by Hilbert/Hilda and the Unova Gym Leaders, both she and her foster sister Concordia moved to Driftveil City, taking up residency in one of Team Plasma’s former safehouses. Remaining loyal to N, she hoped that his two years of traveling would help challenge many of the notions instilled into him during his time studying under The Seven Sages; primarily that humans were inherently abusive and unfeeling towards Pokemon. 

Concordia - Pokémon Black 2 & White 2

The adopted daughter of Ghetsis, Concordia’s primary role in Team Plasma was to care for N, caring for the young boy as The Seven Sages groomed him to become their king. 

Abandoning the group after discovering Ghetsis’s true intentions were total dominion of Unova and the world, both she and her foster sister Anthea moved to Driftveil City, making a fresh start for themselves with fellow defectors, including the former Sage, Rood. 

Although openly admitting to not understanding N’s simplistic world view, the byproduct of his manipulative upbringing with Team Plasma, Concordia hoped his travels with Zekrom/Reshiram would give him a new sense of purpose and a chance to connect with the world.

Ethan - Pokémon Evolutions

A young trainer from New Bark Town, Ethan travelled the region in an attempt to take on the Pokémon League. 

During his adventure, he found himself in Ecruteak City’s market place, taking time out to explore the vibrant and bustling sights of the historic settlement. 

Wyynde I - Young Justice: Phantoms

An inhabitant of the Atlantean continent during the Golden Age of Atlantis, Wyynde I was revered as a hero among his people, honoured with a mighty statue in his likeness, standing alongside other pioneering, influential, and royal figures of the time; including Lord Arion and Varl'jat. 

He was the direct ancestor of Aquaman's lover Wyynde II. 

The Grave of Legends - Young Justice: Phantoms

Noted as a holy site in the Atlantean city-state of Xebel, The Grave of Legends held significant historical value, due to its deep connection to Ancient Atlantis through the partially submerged ruins of the once-great sunken capital. 

On the orders of King Ryus Nereus, Nereus' Watch kept the place under vigilant supervision, with guards regularly patrolling the area for trespassers and thieves. 

Unbeknownst to many, it was situated on top of a vast pocket ocean, where the remains of Old Atlantis, thought lost to time, waves, and sediment are said to lie. 

On June 2nd, 2020, Aquaman, Wyynde, La'gaan, and Delphis breached the thinnest layer of the seabed they could find, gaining access to the Undersea below as they searched for the lost Crown of Arion I, Lord of Atlantis. 

Skinner Co. - Batman: Arkham Unhinged

A meat packing and delivery company based in Gotham City, Skinner Co. was a front for Roman Sionis, aka The Black Mask and his criminal empire. With all the staff in his employ, they ran a tight ship and did not answer kindly to theft and disloyalty; the abattoir and walk on freezers were not only filled with the carcasses of animals. 

While Sionis was running a smuggling operation out of the main factory, Skinner Co were attacked in a sting operation by Tyger Forces. In a devastating ambush, everyone was slaughtered, save for Black Mask himself who was captured whilst trying to escape and taken away to Arkham City at the behest of the super-max's warden, Professor Hugo Strange. 

Skinner Co. Factory - Batman: Arkham Unhinged

A meat packing and distribution plant based in Gotham City, the Skinner Co. Factory was the base of operations for Roman Sionis, aka Black Mask and his criminal empire. 

Making use of the space and resources, factory workers under Sionis' employ smuggled everything from weapons to drugs out of the facility. They also used the walk-in freezers and meat hooks to dispose of the corpses of their enemies, or those who displeased Black Mask himself. 

It was the sight of an ambush between Black Mask's goons and Tyger Guards, who, on the orders of Professor Hugo Strange, were tasked with capturing Sionis and Sionis alone. Seeing everyone else as disposable, Tyger made quick work of the foreman and his employees, gunning them down with no mercy. 

Having memorised the building's layout when he first moved in, Sionis initially managed to out maneuver the sting operation, only to be met by a second platoon.