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Saturday, March 16, 2024

Darkseid - Injustice 2: Arcade Ending: Darkseid

The unelected and undisputed ruler of Apokolips, Darkseid was the New God tyrant who oversaw an entire empire of hatred and bloodshed. Fuelled by cruelty and malice, he wished to conquer the entire universe, bending every living thing to his will. To do this, he sought out the fabled Anti-Life Equation. 

However, Darkseid was not averse to leading the charge himself and would fight on the battlefield alongside his generals and Parademons, capturing those he found to be suitable candidates for his own forces. 

Darkseid had a particular enmity with Superman after the Kryptonian killed his son, Kalibak, during their first invasion attempt of Earth. Plotting his revenge, he made sure to take his time and savour Kal-El's torment, forcing him to listen to all the ways in which he will break his cousin, Kara, and turn her into a Fury. He would also order his chief scientist DeSaad to extract Superman's DNA and use it to create a brand new breed of Parademons capable of exploiting the same powers of his Kryptonian nemesis when exposed to yellow sun radiation. 

Wiping out all those who opposed him, there was no one to stand in his way, setting out to achieve total; dominion over the known universe. 

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