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Saturday, March 16, 2024

Captain Cold - Injustice 2: Arcade Ending: Captain Cold

The alter-ego of Leonard Snart, Captain Cold was a criminal long before the foundation of the One-Earth Regime, upholding a moral code against killing in his criminal career. The leader of the Rogues, he had a close-knit group of friends and family, who he worked alongside in the twin cities; Keystone and Central. This earned him an enmity with The Flash, with the Scarlet Speedtser becoming a constant thorn in his side. 

However, over the years his views on his code drastically changed, especially after Wonder Woman and the Regime publically executed Snart's sister and his friends. Disgusted with the callousness of Metropolis' citizens and the Regime's supporters, who cheered and celebrated the Regime, he turned his back on them. He aligned himself with Gorilla Grodd and The Society to take revenge on all those who played a part in Lisa's death. 

Unbeknownst to Cold, Grodd was manipulating the Society and their grievances against the Regime to fuel his own ambitions, turning him into little more than an obedient foot-soldier in Brainiac's invasion of Earth. After learning that Brainiac was going to destroy the planet when he was done with digitising points of interest, he angrily travelled up to the ship to confront the Coluan, terminating their partnership - as well as both Grodd and the Collector of Worlds. 

To his surprise and slight amusement, Cold made peace with The Flash, fighting side by side with his old foe to stop the lingering remnants of The Regime. He believed that this was the perfect way to honour Lisa's memory, giving his life purpose and an outlet to channel his burning rage.

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