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Saturday, March 16, 2024

Jim Gordon - Earth -22 - The Batman Who Laughs

The Commissioner for the GCPD and a close friend and ally of Batman, Jim Gordon believed in protecting and serving the city "by the book", doing his best to root out corruption in the force and create a department of upstanding and law-abiding officers. 

Diligent to the end, his steadfast belief in this mantra and the integrity of the GCPD never faltered, even as The Joker launched a city-wide attack that saw Gotham burning and his officers butchered. 

Cornered by the Joker while he enacted his final hoorah, Gordon was killed when the Harlequin of Hate threw acid into his face. He took great pride in watching the gruesome sight, stealing his coat, badge, pipe, and glasses as twisted mementoes to taunt Batman with. 

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