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Sunday, March 17, 2024

Supergirl - Injustice 2: Arcade Ending: Darkseid

The alter-ego of  Kara Zor-El, Supergirl was a young Kryptonian hero wishing to protect her adopted home of Earth from conquest and injustice, putting her in the path of many tyrants, warlords and villains, including Brainiac, General Dru Zod and her own cousin, Kal-El, the High Chancellor of the One-Earth Regime. But of all those she faced, none were more fierce or devastating as the New God Darkseid, the Lord of Apokolips.

Clashing with the fiend on several occasions, she found herself quickly outmatched and defeated by his sheer will to dominate and control. 

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Eri - Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

The "big sister" of Team Star, Eri is the boss of Team Star's Fighting crew, the Caph Squad, which specializes in Fighting-type Pokémon.

A successful athlete, her diligence and personal discipline help her to lead Team Star's training regimen, constantly pushing both herself and her teammates to reach their full potential. As well as this, she also acts as their mediator, helping to bring arguments to a satisfactory conclusion amongst her peers. 

Eri joined Team Star when the other students at Naranja-Uva Academy bullied her, jealous after she was named the class queen; deemed by her peers as a great Trainer, very athletic, and pretty. Rumours began to circulate about her, started by the former queen Carmen, hoping to reclaim her position. 

Wishing to put a stop to these, she reached out to Carmen, eventually befriending her bully. However, the damage was already done, ostracising the pair and making her a target of more vicious and cruel harassment. Nevertheless, she continued to defend Carmen, inviting her to join Team Star.

A loyal and supportive person, Eri is willing to fight and risk her own safety to protect her friends. Because of this, she is affectionately called "the great Infernal Eri" by Atticus. She is also known as "Riri" by Carmen. 

Giacomo - Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

The boss of Team Star's Dark crew, the Segin Squad, Giacomo served as the overall leader of the team in the absence of their founder and big boss. He specializes in Dark-type Pokémon. 

Giacomo is also a wannabe DJ and the creator of Team Star's theme songs, going by the name "DJ Vice" when on stage, or during his surprise concerts.

Before the formation of Team Star, he was elected the president of the Naranja-Uva Academy student council, but the student conduct policies he proposed were so unintuitive and strict that he lost all the support he once had. After only a short time in office, he was forced out by the students, who elected Nemona as his replacement. 

Humiliated by the student body, Giacomo found solace and companionship among a group of students who were similarly victims of bullying and ostracism at the school, and they went on to create Team Star. Despite his doubts and fear of alienating himself as he had done in the past, the other bosses of Team Star encouraged him to write Team Star's current code of conduct, which the group follows to this day.

He is relied on by his fellow Team Star lieutenants, bringing the team together and enacting plans with care and hindsight. 

Atticus - Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

A talented Poison-type Pokémon specialist, Atticus was the boss of Team Star's Poison crew, the Navi Squad. He is also known for his expertise in fashion design, having designed the modified uniforms worn by his fellow bosses. Rumoured to be descended from ninjas, Atticus is highly respected for his unique and creative fashion designs, which showcase his passion and exceptional technique.

Despite being bullied in the academy for his love of old-fashioned things, Atticus remained true to himself and pursued his interests. He is a close friend of Youssef, another Academy student, who looks up to him as a friend for life.

After returning to the academy following Team Star's disbandment, Juliana/Florian helped tutor Atticus in Maths, a subject he was seriously struggling with. Motivated by the fact that it was an important subject for costume making and marketing, he excelled in his studies.

He regularly operates at the Porto Marinada Market, auctioning off his unique costumes to the general public.

Ortega - Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

A second-year student at the Naranja-Uva Academy, Ortega is the boss of Team Star's Fairy crew, the Ruchbah Squad, specialising in Fairy-type Pokémon. A skilled technician and mechanic, he created the five Starmobiles the Team Star lieutenants used. 

Coming from a background of wealth and privilege, his family owns a major apparel company in Paldea.

Bullied and harassed at the academy, he bonded with five other students, forming Team Star to help fight against the bullies that made their lives hell. While Ortega is known for his sharp tongue and short temper, he cares deeply for his fellow bosses, seeing them as closest friends. 

A talented musician, he studies piano under Mr Harring, the former director of the academy.

Nora Fries - Earth -52 - Batman: The Red Death

The wife of famed Gotham cryogenics researcher Doctor Victor Fries, Nora Fries was the beloved spouse to her husband, providing him light and joy. When she was diagnosed with an illness that had no known cure, he chose to place her in suspended animation using a cryostasis formula, vowing to work tirelessly to find her the cure. 

Cryostasis Formula - Earth -52 - Batman: The Red Death

Developed by Dr Victor Fries, this Cryostasis Formula was used by the scientist to help keep his beloved wife Nora alive while he attempted to cure her life-threatening and as yet incurable illness. 

Batman used this formula in a fight against The Flash, injecting it into his leg when the Speedster let down their guard. Knowing that Allen's increased metabolism could burn through the chemicals within three seconds of exposure, Wayne knocked him unconscious, taking his former friend captive as an unwilling participant in the dangerous and ill-advised plan to steal his superspeed. 

Dr Victor Fries - Earth -52 - Batman: The Red Death

A skilled scientist in cryogenics, Victor Fries fell in love and married his lover Nora, whom he adored and cherished. When she was diagnosed with a terminal illness, he did his best to find a cure, placing her in suspended animation while he searched. To do this, he developed a specialised cryostasis formula. 

Batman would go on to weaponise this formula in a daring plan to kidnap the Flash and forcefully extract his speed.

Jim Gordon - Earth -22 - The Batman Who Laughs

The Commissioner for the GCPD and a close friend and ally of Batman, Jim Gordon believed in protecting and serving the city "by the book", doing his best to root out corruption in the force and create a department of upstanding and law-abiding officers. 

Diligent to the end, his steadfast belief in this mantra and the integrity of the GCPD never faltered, even as The Joker launched a city-wide attack that saw Gotham burning and his officers butchered. 

Cornered by the Joker while he enacted his final hoorah, Gordon was killed when the Harlequin of Hate threw acid into his face. He took great pride in watching the gruesome sight, stealing his coat, badge, pipe, and glasses as twisted mementoes to taunt Batman with. 

Superman - Injustice 2: Arcade Ending: Darkseid

Formerly a hero turned tyrant, Superman defied Darkseid's attempt to conquer Earth, repelling the Apokoliptian invasion force and and killed Uxas's son, Kalibak, in a fierce battle to the death. 

After much suffering, Superman perished at Darkseid's hands, with the promise of further misery beyond death.

His DNA would go on to form the basis for a new and invulnerable legion of Parademons, led by his older cousin Kara, who'd been captured, tortured and coerced into fighting the very enemies she had valiantly fought in the name of justice. 

Kara Zor-El - Injustice 2: Arcade Ending: Darkseid

The real name of Supergirl, Kara Zor-El, was a defiant and resilient hero who worked hard to try and restore humanity's faith in the S-Shield, which had been heavily tarnished by her younger cousin Kal when he became a dictator.

Facing off against Darkseid during his latest invasion on Earth, she was defeated and captured by the New God. 

Taken to Apokolips as his prisoner, Kara was handed over to Darkseid's Chief Scientist and torturer DeSaad, who took pleasure in breaking her mind, spirit and free will. One of the first things to go was her belief and strength in the power of the Kryptonian god Rao, with Darkseid declaring himself to be the only god she should look to. Next was her just and caring nature, which they hollowed out until there was nothing left but pain and hatred, turning her into another tool of his infernal Empire. 

Satisfied with DeSaad's work, she was handed over to Granny Goodness, who trained her in combat to become a Fury. Impressing her new general, she was elected commanding officer of a new legion of Parademons and a goal to bring every planet and galaxy under the heel of Darkseid. 

Gorilla Grodd - Injustice 2: Arcade Ending: Captain Cold

The founder of The Society, Gorilla Grodd was the public face of the organisation, acting on the orders of their secret benefactor, Brainiac and preparing Earth for the Coluan's arrival and subsequent invasion. 

Among those he recruited into the Society's ranks was Leonard Snart, aka Captain Cold, exploiting his hatred for Wonder Woman and the One-Earth Regime for their part in executing both his sister, Lisa, and his best friends in the Rogues. 

Learning about Brainiac's plan to destroy the Earth, Cold angrily turned on Grodd and the Collector of Worlds, freezing them both solid and murdering them.

Brainiac - Injustice 2: Arcade Ending: Captain Cold

Leading a full-scale invasion force to digitise the planet Earth for his own private collection, Brainiac's occupation came to an abrupt end when one of his unwitting pawns, Captain Cold, turned against him. Before the Coluan could react to this sudden betrayal, Snart froze him with his Cold Gun, killing him instantly. 

Leonard Snart - Injustice 2: Arcade Ending: Captain Cold

The brother of Lisa Snart, Leonard Snart, aka Captain Cold, was a costumed criminal and thief. A founding member of The Rogues and their beloved leader, he made numerous friends and family in the twin cities' underworld, forging a tight-knit bond. Teaming up with his sister, who had taken the mantle of The Golden Glider, the pair become a well-oiled team and a persistent pain to The Flash. 

Leonard's world was shattered when the One-Earth Regime publically executed Lisa and the Rogues, leaving him reeling. Wishing vengeance against Wonder Woman and the Regime, his pain and despair were easily manipulated by Gorilla Grodd, who recruited him into The Society. 

While he hated humanity, he did not want to see the planet destroyed and defected upon learning The Scoiety's true goals, killing Grodd and Brainiac before the Coluan could complete his invasion. 

Seeking a new way to honour his sister's memory, he extended an olive branch to the Flash, bonding over their experience of being accessories to mass murder and genocide. Wanting to atone for their past mistakes and make a better world, they worked together to destroy the Regime once and for all. 

During his latest visit to his sister's grave, he discussed his new partnership with Allen, remarking that while they were good partners, they could never be a finer team than the Snart siblings. 

Captain Cold - Injustice 2: Arcade Ending: Captain Cold

The alter-ego of Leonard Snart, Captain Cold was a criminal long before the foundation of the One-Earth Regime, upholding a moral code against killing in his criminal career. The leader of the Rogues, he had a close-knit group of friends and family, who he worked alongside in the twin cities; Keystone and Central. This earned him an enmity with The Flash, with the Scarlet Speedtser becoming a constant thorn in his side. 

However, over the years his views on his code drastically changed, especially after Wonder Woman and the Regime publically executed Snart's sister and his friends. Disgusted with the callousness of Metropolis' citizens and the Regime's supporters, who cheered and celebrated the Regime, he turned his back on them. He aligned himself with Gorilla Grodd and The Society to take revenge on all those who played a part in Lisa's death. 

Unbeknownst to Cold, Grodd was manipulating the Society and their grievances against the Regime to fuel his own ambitions, turning him into little more than an obedient foot-soldier in Brainiac's invasion of Earth. After learning that Brainiac was going to destroy the planet when he was done with digitising points of interest, he angrily travelled up to the ship to confront the Coluan, terminating their partnership - as well as both Grodd and the Collector of Worlds. 

To his surprise and slight amusement, Cold made peace with The Flash, fighting side by side with his old foe to stop the lingering remnants of The Regime. He believed that this was the perfect way to honour Lisa's memory, giving his life purpose and an outlet to channel his burning rage.

Brainiac - Injustice 2: Arcade Ending: Darkseid

Despite being a 12th-level intellect, The Coluan genius Brainiac made a costly mistake going up against the New God Darkseid. While the Lord of Apokolips accepted him as a "genius without peer", he proved that he was truly the superior threat to Earth and Superman, fuelled by his desire to take revenge on Superman and make him suffer. 

Slaughter Swamp - Injustice: Gods Among Us: Arcade Ending: Solomon Grundy

A dense marshland located on the outskirts of Gotham City, Slaughter Swamp has a long and bloody reputation steeped in magic and terror, death and rebirth, thanks in no small part to its most infamous resident, Solomon Grundy. 

Amidst the stagnant waters and festering mires, Grundy returned to its familiar waters after a fight with Superman that saw him defeat the High Councillor and destroy the One-Earth Regime that had subjugated him and the planet for over five years. There he healed his wounds and, after some time, used the swamp's deep connection to the Earth and its elemental forces to become the unquestioned and indomitable ruler of the world. 

The Grey - Injustice: Gods Among Us: Arcade Ending: Solomon Grundy

A force of entropy and decay, the Grey was believed to be long extinct and forgotten, with its existence overlooked by scholars for its more prominent counterparts of The Red and The Green. That was until it was rediscovered in 2013 by Solomon Grundy, who gained mastery over the elemental force and used its power to conquer Earth, transforming it into his own desolate paradise.

The Red - Injustice: Gods Among Us: Arcade Ending: Solomon Grundy

Born from the primordial energies that suffuse the cosmos, The Red embodies the essence of creation itself, pulsating with the heartbeat of every living being and allowing those who can access this elemental force to bend the animal kingdom to their will.  

One of its latest wielders was Solomon Grundy, who discovered a newfound connection to the Red while recovering in the Slaughter Swamp from wounds sustained in an all-out battle against Superman.

Darkseid - Injustice 2: Arcade Ending: Darkseid

The unelected and undisputed ruler of Apokolips, Darkseid was the New God tyrant who oversaw an entire empire of hatred and bloodshed. Fuelled by cruelty and malice, he wished to conquer the entire universe, bending every living thing to his will. To do this, he sought out the fabled Anti-Life Equation. 

However, Darkseid was not averse to leading the charge himself and would fight on the battlefield alongside his generals and Parademons, capturing those he found to be suitable candidates for his own forces. 

Darkseid had a particular enmity with Superman after the Kryptonian killed his son, Kalibak, during their first invasion attempt of Earth. Plotting his revenge, he made sure to take his time and savour Kal-El's torment, forcing him to listen to all the ways in which he will break his cousin, Kara, and turn her into a Fury. He would also order his chief scientist DeSaad to extract Superman's DNA and use it to create a brand new breed of Parademons capable of exploiting the same powers of his Kryptonian nemesis when exposed to yellow sun radiation. 

Wiping out all those who opposed him, there was no one to stand in his way, setting out to achieve total; dominion over the known universe. 

Solomon Grundy - Injustice: Gods Among Us: Arcade Ending: Solomon Grundy

Reborn in the murky depths of Gotham's Slaughter Swamp, Solomon Grundy was merely a pawn for The One Earth Regime, acting as a mindless enforcer controlled by the former heroes who now governed the planet. 

Breaking free from Superman's influence, he fought against the Kryptonian and won, though he suffered many injuries. 

Returning to his primordial refuge to heal his wounds, he discovered that he could also tap into the primal forces of The Red along with his already potent regenerative abilities. Experimenting with his newfound abilities, he gained mastery over the Red, bending animal life in the area to his will. 

Grundy's power only continued to grow after unearthing the ancient - and seemingly extinct - force known as the Grey, granting him unprecedented destructive capabilities.

Emerging from the swamp once more, he embarked on a relentless crusade, vanquishing Earth's defenders and reshaping the world in his image. Now, as the tyrant of a desolate, lifeless planet, he reigned supreme, his dominion unchallenged over a realm draped in shades of grey.

The New Parademon Legion - Injustice 2: Arcade Ending: Darkseid

The next generation of the Apokoliptian invasion force, DeSaad, at the behest of his master, cloned this invincible army of Parademons using Superman's DNA. 

With Kara Zor-El broken, brainwashed, indoctrinated and forged into their leader, these soldiers became a formidable weapon for Darkseid as he continued his mission to conquer the universe and claim the Anti-Life Equation for himself.

Kalibak - Injustice 2: Arcade Ending: Darkseid

The son of Darkseid and the prince of Apokolips, Kalibak was killed by Superman during an attempted invasion on Earth. 

He would later be avenged by his father, who captured, tortured and executed his murderer, punishing Kal-El further in his final moments by breaking his cousin's will - converting her into his powerful tool - and unveiling an imposing army of Parademons - each imbued with his DNA - to wreak vengeance on his adopted world and the universe as a whole. 

DeSaad - Injustice 2: Arcade Ending: Darkseid

The somewhat loyal chief scientist and torturer of Apokolips, DeSaad took great pride and enjoyment in successfully breaking the resilience of Supergirl, turning Kara Zor-El into a weapon for his master, Darkseid. 

Now with two Kryptonians at his disposal, he weaponised the deceased Superman's DNA, exploiting his unique physiology and building an army of Parademon/Kryptonian hybrids with his vanquished foe. 

Friday, March 15, 2024

Anthea - Pokémon Evolutions

Inducted into the ranks of Team Plasma from an early age, Anthea was tasked with caring for the young N, acting as the boy’s confidant and council as he was groomed to become the new King of the organisation. 

Despite her devotion to Team Plasma and their monarch’s edict to create a world that was truly equal for both Pokemon and people, both she and fellow advisor Concordia began to doubt Ghetsis and his motives. Concluding that the leader of The Seven Sages was manipulating them all, she quietly took N aside, suggesting he should follow his heart, rather than continue to be a puppet for the organisation’s true mastermind. 

Concordia - Pokémon Evolutions

An unwitting pawn in Ghetsis's plan to conquer Unova and the world, Concordia was an attendee to Team Plasma’s puppet king, N, helping shape the young boy into the perfect tool. 

Recognising N’s innocence and naivety about the relationship between humans and Pokémon was being exploited for ulterior motives, she remarked that his irreproachable attitude made him equally pure and terrifying. However, before she could push the matter further, Ghetsis came to collect N, announcing that it was time to enact the final stage of their plan. 

Anthea - Pokémon Black & White

Caring and compassionate about the plight of Pokémon, Anthea (known as the Goddess of Love) was easily coerced by Ghetsis into joining Team Plasma, acting as a loyal companion and friend to N. Though she understood that most trainers were good and only battled to bond with their Pokémon, she still saw the need for the group’s more radical operations; to forcefully liberate Pokémon from selfish and cruel trainers. 

Beginning to question Ghetsis’s aspirations for Unova as a utopia for both people and Pokémon, she began to see N’s conflicting emotions and the painful experiences he endured growing up. 

Meeting Hilbert/Hilda in N’s Castle, she offered to heal the young trainer’s Pokémon, allowing them to be fully rested for the upcoming encounter with Team Plasma’s King. 

Concordia - Pokémon Black & White

Acting as N’s friend, confidant and guardian, Concordia (referred to as Goddess of Peace) was a devoted member of Team Plasma. Despite this loyalty to the group, she could not help but notice that Ghetsis’ was deliberately manipulating her charge by only introducing him to those Pokémon abandoned, betrayed and hurt by humans, poisoning his mind against trainers. 

Worried about N’s unquestioning devotion to Ghetsis and his plan to awaken the legendary Pokémon of Unova, in the pursuit for truth and ideals, she began to fear for his well being. 

Concordia expressed these concerns to Hilda/Hilbert during their meeting in N’s Castle, musing that his childlike purity and innocence was both touching and terrifying. 

Anthea - Pokémon Black 2 & White 2

Orphaned from a young age, Anthea was adopted by Ghetsis and welcomed into the ranks of Team Plasma. The foster brother of N, she was tasked by her foster father to help raise and care for the young boy, unaware that she was, in fact, helping a megalomaniac create a guileless puppet. While she cared deeply for N, she could not help but agree that he was vastly different from other children his age, occasionally referring to him as “the Child of Pokémon.”

After Ghetsis’s plans were seemingly thwarted by Hilbert/Hilda and the Unova Gym Leaders, both she and her foster sister Concordia moved to Driftveil City, taking up residency in one of Team Plasma’s former safehouses. Remaining loyal to N, she hoped that his two years of traveling would help challenge many of the notions instilled into him during his time studying under The Seven Sages; primarily that humans were inherently abusive and unfeeling towards Pokemon. 

Concordia - Pokémon Black 2 & White 2

The adopted daughter of Ghetsis, Concordia’s primary role in Team Plasma was to care for N, caring for the young boy as The Seven Sages groomed him to become their king. 

Abandoning the group after discovering Ghetsis’s true intentions were total dominion of Unova and the world, both she and her foster sister Anthea moved to Driftveil City, making a fresh start for themselves with fellow defectors, including the former Sage, Rood. 

Although openly admitting to not understanding N’s simplistic world view, the byproduct of his manipulative upbringing with Team Plasma, Concordia hoped his travels with Zekrom/Reshiram would give him a new sense of purpose and a chance to connect with the world.

Ethan - Pokémon Evolutions

A young trainer from New Bark Town, Ethan travelled the region in an attempt to take on the Pokémon League. 

During his adventure, he found himself in Ecruteak City’s market place, taking time out to explore the vibrant and bustling sights of the historic settlement. 

Wyynde I - Young Justice: Phantoms

An inhabitant of the Atlantean continent during the Golden Age of Atlantis, Wyynde I was revered as a hero among his people, honoured with a mighty statue in his likeness, standing alongside other pioneering, influential, and royal figures of the time; including Lord Arion and Varl'jat. 

He was the direct ancestor of Aquaman's lover Wyynde II. 

The Grave of Legends - Young Justice: Phantoms

Noted as a holy site in the Atlantean city-state of Xebel, The Grave of Legends held significant historical value, due to its deep connection to Ancient Atlantis through the partially submerged ruins of the once-great sunken capital. 

On the orders of King Ryus Nereus, Nereus' Watch kept the place under vigilant supervision, with guards regularly patrolling the area for trespassers and thieves. 

Unbeknownst to many, it was situated on top of a vast pocket ocean, where the remains of Old Atlantis, thought lost to time, waves, and sediment are said to lie. 

On June 2nd, 2020, Aquaman, Wyynde, La'gaan, and Delphis breached the thinnest layer of the seabed they could find, gaining access to the Undersea below as they searched for the lost Crown of Arion I, Lord of Atlantis. 

Skinner Co. - Batman: Arkham Unhinged

A meat packing and delivery company based in Gotham City, Skinner Co. was a front for Roman Sionis, aka The Black Mask and his criminal empire. With all the staff in his employ, they ran a tight ship and did not answer kindly to theft and disloyalty; the abattoir and walk on freezers were not only filled with the carcasses of animals. 

While Sionis was running a smuggling operation out of the main factory, Skinner Co were attacked in a sting operation by Tyger Forces. In a devastating ambush, everyone was slaughtered, save for Black Mask himself who was captured whilst trying to escape and taken away to Arkham City at the behest of the super-max's warden, Professor Hugo Strange. 

Skinner Co. Factory - Batman: Arkham Unhinged

A meat packing and distribution plant based in Gotham City, the Skinner Co. Factory was the base of operations for Roman Sionis, aka Black Mask and his criminal empire. 

Making use of the space and resources, factory workers under Sionis' employ smuggled everything from weapons to drugs out of the facility. They also used the walk-in freezers and meat hooks to dispose of the corpses of their enemies, or those who displeased Black Mask himself. 

It was the sight of an ambush between Black Mask's goons and Tyger Guards, who, on the orders of Professor Hugo Strange, were tasked with capturing Sionis and Sionis alone. Seeing everyone else as disposable, Tyger made quick work of the foreman and his employees, gunning them down with no mercy. 

Having memorised the building's layout when he first moved in, Sionis initially managed to out maneuver the sting operation, only to be met by a second platoon.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Monsieur Mallah - Doom Patrol

A highly intelligent gorilla who was brought onto the Brotherhood of Evil by Ultimax, aka The Brain, at the height of their criminal endeavours, Monsieur Mallah replaced Eric Morden, aka Mr Nobody, leading to Morden's split from the group and crusade against Niles Caulder and his Doom Patrol.

Devoted to The Brain, he was his top lieutenant and confidant, with a number of duties that helped keep the Brotherhood running smoothly. 

Following the Brotherhood’s defeat and subsequent collapse in 1957, both Mallah and Ultimax fled to Boca Raton, Florida, going into hiding together, before eventual retirement. While his boss dreamed of returning to villainy, he had no interest in going back, actively discouraging others from interrupting their peaceful retirement. This put him in conflict with a time-displaced Madame Rouge, aka Laura De Mille, who had sought them out in 2021 to complete her original mission and eliminate the Doom Patrol. 

Seeing that Ultimax would never change, continuing self-destructive behaviour that would only lead them to ruin, Mallah made the difficult choice to leave the Brain for good and, for the first time in years, put his own needs first.

The Sisterhood of Dada - Doom Patrol

Founded in 1917 as a way to survive the horrors of the Bureau of Normalcy, The Sisterhood of Dada was a group of like-minded meta-humans who wished to bring joy and social change to the world through art and self-expression, holding the philosophies of the Dada movement close to their heart.

While, more often than not, treated like a global threat that needed to be destroyed, this found family of abused and mistreated outcasts was gravely misunderstood, seeking to create a more honest and genuine world than the one they grew up in. 

To do this, the Sisterhood devised their endgame, the Eternal Flagellation, a high-concept introspective phenomenon that would challenge societal norms, expose hidden truths and force people to come face to face with their innermost demons to help them heal and find the peace, love & support they deserve.

Unlike other villains that the Doom Patrol went up against, they did not want to cause harm or destruction; they were a non-violent group, only using violence as a means of self-defence, since the group's members were pacifists. 

The Sisterhood was merely well-intentioned extremists emphasising their desire to hold the world accountable for its actions and strip away false pretensions and identities to reveal the truth that people hide within. 


  1. Shelley Byron/The Fog (leader)
  2. Lloyd Jefferson/Frenzy
  3. Holly McKenzie/Sleepwalk
  4. Sachiko/The Quiz

Former Members

  • Laura De Mille/Madame Rouge (betrayed)
  • Malcolm DuPont/Agent ! (deceased)
  • Rita Farr/Bendy (left group; deceased)

Youssef - Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

A determined and loyal pupil studying at the Uva Academy, Youssef has a strong sense of justice ingrained in him and always stands up for what is right. 

Subjected to severe bullying, he and his peers were defended by Team Star, who vowed not to let anyone else suffer the same way they had. Looking up to them as heroes, Youssef has a great deal of respect and awe for the team, in particular "Don" Atticus, whom he considers his dear compadre for life. 

Believing in repaying the kindness shown to him, he is willing to go to great lengths to help those he cares about, even when faced with danger. He remains steadfast in his commitment to his friends and is not afraid to speak up for what he believes in.

The Navi Squad - Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

A notorious group of Team Star members who specialize in using Poison-type Pokémon, The Navi Squad is based in Paldea's Tagtree Thicket, where they patiently wait for the return of the group's "big boss", Cassiopeia. 

Keeping their headquarters heavily guarded to keep outsiders from getting in, members of the squad are fiercely loyal to their boss, Atticus, one of Team Star's original founders and the designer of the Team's outfits. He is an eccentric and enigmatic leader, highly respected by his subordinates for his cleverness and creativity. 

Overall, the Navi Squad is a force to be reckoned with, and those who cross them should be prepared for a tough fight, comprised of skilled trainers who have a deep understanding of Poison-type Pokémon and their abilities. They are not to be taken lightly, as they are willing to go to great lengths to protect their base and their boss. Despite their intimidating reputation, the Navi Squad members are not all bad, as they have been known to help those in need, especially when it comes to fighting bullies. 


  • Atticus (Leader)
  • Grunt #1